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Why Choose Us?

pexels-fauxels-3184418-1-1Business Toolbox has a history of partnering with award-winning HR and Learning systems from around the world, ensuring customers take on world-class software with the bonus of receiving training, implementation and support from local experts in New Zealand and Australia.

Award Winning




Ranked one of Delloite's 2016 Technology Fast 500 providing world-class software. 

Customer Success Story


Find out how Mercy Hospice faced challenges going from manual processes and a heavy reliance on the HR team to update and maintain employee information to digitalising and automating processes and workflows




BambooHR is your one-stop-shop for employee information, empowering HR professionals to focus on what matters most - People!

Culture Amp - Product Header

Culture AMP

Use scientifically backed employee-centric tools to strategically improve company culture and achieve excellent employee experience!

TLMS - Product Header


Your learning management system designed to be highly customisable utilising all types of training materials, easy to manage and use.

Checkmate - Product Header


Conduct automatic pre-employment checks such as visa, police vetting, working with children, etc. during your recruitment process.

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A comprehensive Talent Management platform for performance, learning & development, employee engagement, recognition and rewards.

Our Services

The Business Toolbox team have trained, implemented and currently supports over 500 HR systems and counting across small to large businesses across New Zealand and Australia! We also provide integration services to ensure your systems work seamlessly with one another.

pexels-edmond-dantès-4344860Key HR processes that benefit from an HR System

Many of your HR processes can benefit from an HR system, including...

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Time to say goodbye to spreadsheets...

If you're weary of the constant cycle of checking, rechecking, and...

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jenny-ueberberg-BaSeK7rwc1A-unsplash-2How automation can streamline HR processes

Human resources (HR) is a crucial function in any organization...

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Contact Us

We love talking to people wanting to improve their HR systems and processes. Fill in the form and we'll organise a time to discuss how we can help you further.

TQ Solutions Case Study

TQ Solutions Case Study

How TQ Solutions provides a seamless and engaging experience to their employees.


At Glance


Company TQ Solutions
Remote workforce, Australia
Employees 30
Product BambooHR




Key Deliverables Achieved:

Efficient onboarding process from start to finish

Increased efficiencies in managing data & docs

Digitised employee analytics and engagement


About TQ Solutions

TQ Solutions is regarded as Australia’s leading advisory firm for Talent Acquisition, Recruitment and Careers Related Consulting projects. They love solving complex talent and workforce challenges, to elevate the experience of hiring, careers and work.


The Challenge

When their workforce was small, they were able to manage people largely through google drive. However as their remote team expanded, they sought to enhance control and governance through technology. With a growing team comprising of different employment types—permanent, casual, and independent contractors—each with distinct policies, leave access, and onboarding procedures, they needed one centralised employee management system.

Their priority was mitigating future risks while ensuring a seamless and engaging employee experience, underscored by a commitment to reliable HR analytics that would informed business decisions.


The Solution

TQ Solutions chose BambooHR as it ticked all their requirements and more with the ability to customise their account and have the support of the local team from Business Toolbox to talk through best practices.

Outcome 1: Hiring and Onboarding

Having a central source of truth and up-to-date information readily available on the cloud was invaluable. Through the hiring process in BambooHR, it takes the team only minutes to set up an offer and contract, after which they can track when the new employee has viewed and signed it. Their onboarding process now has automated workflows, with all the applicant data transferring across to the new employee record. The HR team can now easily view and monitor what tasks have been completed in preparation for the new hire's first day.

Outcome 2: Employee Self Service

Using the internal leave management feature in BambooHR, employees are now able to easily request time-off in the system and view their remaining leave balances online. It is also flexible enough to have a 'casual' leave function, where their non-permanent workforce can let the rest of the team know when they are unavailable.

Outcome 3: Reporting

As a fully remote team, TQ Solutions values employee analytics and reporting. Having digitised employee data has helped them quickly understand their demographics and employee engagement (via a simple eNPS survey). The standard and custom reporting is relied on heavily in their monthly leadership meetings to help make informed business decisions. 

Outcome 4: HR Team

Overall, BambooHR has been a game-changer for the HR team and is now a central component of their business. By saving time on manual and repetitive tasks, the HR team are now able to focus more of their time on people and strategy. 


TQ Solutions is now setup for success!

TQ Solutions is now setup for growing success!

"Absolutely. Bamboo provides an easy to use, customisable solution for our business needs. Business Toolbox, who managed our implementation were excellent in their approach to getting us up and running also. Some cloud-based systems may only have a hotline to call or generic email address to get support and you experience delays due to time zones or a lack of localised legislative knowledge. If we needed advice or support, we had a direct line to Business Toolbox and this was invaluable as we could stick to our implementation deadlines without having to wait for support. "

- Ana Adams


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